Weekly Study

No Age Requirement

When I got to the office this morning I was thinking of various things to write about for a weekly study post. I opened up our website getting ready to write the new post and I began scrolling through the home page looking over how much the website has changed (for the better (thank you Isabel)) and I got caught on the Bible verse everyone sees when on the home page. “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” (1 Timothy 4:12) It’s a fitting verse for any youth ministry as we are working with the youth and cultivating the next wave of church goers who will serve in the church and in ministry no matter their job title.

Age, in our world, is often something that becomes a barrier or limiting factor in life. You can’t legally drive until you reach 16. Most jobs won’t hire you until you’re 16. You can’t vote until you’re 18. You can’t rent a car until you’re 25. Many of the teens at West Metro are big basketball fans. Those who have the skill in this world to make it to the NBA are required to either complete one year of college or be 19. To be president you have to be at least 35. Age limits, restricts and prevents in many areas of life. However, it doesn’t have to be when it comes to serving in the church, being a minister of God in the world. We can look at the life of the man who Paul wrote the above verse to, Timothy.

Many say Timothy was a young man when he met Paul and then joined the second missionary journey (citing the above verse as evidence). He would then go on to serve along side Paul as a preacher of the word and, on occasion, would be left with a church as Paul continued on the journey. He helped in the strengthening and growth of several of the churches we read of in the New Testament and later works apart from Paul at the church in Ephesus. A young man that preaches the word, works in the church, is an example for believers (many who, we can assumer, are older than he is). Many of the disciples would also fall under this category as many say they too were young when they were called by Jesus.

So, how are you serving today? You may be telling yourself that you can’t serve because you’re to young. Well, Timothy and the disciples prove that wrong. You can serve. Right now there is even a ministry in our church asking for high schoolers to be servants amongst the children. You can participate in the various service projects. You can volunteer to assist in VBS. Those of you who are young men can participate in our worship services by reading Scripture, leading a prayer, etc. Many of you are very tech savvy and can help with the audio/visual component to worship. There are many ways you all can serve and be minister in the world. You will never be too young to do so. So, next time you leave from church and you drive by that sign that says “now entering your ministry field” I challenge you to take that literally.