Weekly Study

What are we called to?

The world is a crazy place. It is filled with many, many things that do not look like Christ. The world, as it stands now, is a pretty dark place full of sin and sinful actions. While we live in this world physically, we are called to not be like the world. All at once […]

Weekly Study

Weekly Study: What seed are we?

In Luke 8:1-15 Jesus teaches a parable about the ways in which people receive God’s Word. Some hear the Gospel and they never believe because Satan has a grip on their heart. Some hear the Gospel and for a while there is joy in receiving it. However, they never really dive into the Word and […]



Hey Everyone! I know there are already multiple avenues that are being used to get information out about our youth activities but I want to add this website as just another way to get the word out. Check back here frequently to see updates on activities and a weekly scripture reading that I encourage students […]