Recently Paige and I went to see the new movie, Sound of Freedom, and a line in the movie stuck out to me. One of the characters, revealing his call to the work he is doing, says “when God tells you what to do, you cannot hesitate.” There are so many stories in Scripture of […]
Author: Austin Gray
God is …..
For the next few weeks in our high school class we will be looking at and finishing the phrase “God is …” If we replace God in this phrase and put any number of other people, things, places, etc. we would all finish the phrase in different ways. If I started a sentence with “bowling […]
I have not been the best at keeping up with posting on our website. However, during my drive to the church building this morning a thought popped into my head that I wanted to write about. Right now we are in another political season. Many of the teens I work with probably care little for […]
Class Promotion Event/Celebration
Join us after class as we honor all of the kids and teens in our church that are changing classes and reaching new milestones!
No Age Requirement
When I got to the office this morning I was thinking of various things to write about for a weekly study post. I opened up our website getting ready to write the new post and I began scrolling through the home page looking over how much the website has changed (for the better (thank you […]
This week in class we will study mercy as the beginning of a class on things all believers should know, understand and practice. Before we dive in on Sunday for this weeks weekly study I want to take a moment to look at the life of Paul, a man definitely shown mercy. Before we get […]
Do you know Him?
Many of those who read this post would say that they are a Christian. That they believe in and follow God. That they do good things, say the right things, try to help people, call Jesus Lord, etc. And that all looks good on paper (or on a screen). But when it comes down to […]
Two Lost Brothers
I have kept a document saved on my computer ever since I was at Harding titled “interesting thoughts.” I started writing down (or typing out) these thoughts as I began to study more and more for many of my classes as a Preaching student in the Bible department. Some of these thoughts are my own, […]
What Story Are You Telling?
Join us on Sunday mornings in March as we dive into what story we are telling to the world and the many ways that story is being told. Come ready to grow and share!
1. Impact is happening this year! The middle school session begins June 17 and goes through June 20. The high school session begins June 20 and goes through June 25. I hope your teen(s) are able to join us. Please let me know if you would be able to chaperone any part of this event. […]